
The Science of Early Child Development is a resource of global concern. Beginning as a partnership between Red River College and the Atkinson Centre and the Institute of Child Study at the University of Toronto, the Science of ECD has developed into a multi-edition resource that has been adapted for use for different contexts around the world.

With a focus on the developmental health perspective, the Science of Early Child Development provides an overview of relevant topics, current research and practical links to practice in five modules:

  • Developmental Health provides a clear overview of how and why the early years have such a long-term impact on both individuals and societies.  Social gradients are explored with insight into how different communities respond differently to the needs of the early years with marked differences.
  • Brain development includes the most recent research into the developing brain.  Concepts such as biological embedding and epigenetics help to demonstrate how genes and early environments together shape development and follow children throughout their lives. 
  • The Ecology of Childhood looks at the contexts of early child experiences including home life, early childhood programs, communities, and government policy.  The positive effects of early interventions are provided as guides for optimizing the environments of young children. 
  • Coping and Competence explores key concepts such as self-regulation and why some children display resiliency and thrive in challenging environments while many do not.  Crying, temperament, fear, stress, and aggression are all studied within a focus of caring relationships.
  • Communicating and Learning features an exploration of how children think and learn including exciting new understanding of infant memory. Language and literacy, and mathematical understanding are some of the key topics as research is used to outline the best practices and environments to support children’s learning.
    Jamieson, J., Bertrand, J., Ibrahim, E., Elfenbaum, M., & Koshyk, J. (Eds.).       
            (2008). The science of early child development [Online
            resource].Winnipeg, MB: Red River College.
Whenever I’m asked about the most innovative and effective uses of technology as a tool for early childhood teacher education and professional development, The Science of Early Child Development is always on my short list.  The web-based platform and resources puts the world of early child development at the fingertips of teachers and teacher educators.  The framework, video clips, interviews with researchers and emphasis on child health and positive outcomes makes the connection between research and practice easier to understand and apply in the classroom with young children.


Chip Donohue, PhD, Director of Distance Learning, Erikson Institute